Oregon is very different than So. Cal., but I think I really like it! Some things that are different... 1. The leaves on the trees change colors
2. The leaves pile up on the ground and it is really fun to shuffle your feet in the leaves as you walk
3. There are a lot of hippies around here
4. There isn't a Starbucks on every corner (praise the Lord!!)
5. It's cold (like fall is suppossed to be)
6. There is no traffic on any roads or freeways at any time of day
7. You don't do laundry as often because you always wear a sweatshirt and no one knows what you are wearing underneath so you can wear it more than 1 day
8. Onramps to freeways are not very accessible...for example to go north on the 5 freeway today first we had to go south and then get off and get back on to go north (what are they thinking???)
Things I have done...
1. Gone to three different (and amazing) coffee shops
2. Gotten pumpkin gelato
3. Gotten 2 extremely huge chunks of quiche for FREE!!! from the gelato place (which was really an italian coffee house). The funny part is some poor guy had just bought a slice of quiche and then we walk up and the lady offers us free quiche cause they don't want to throw it away (so we hid it as we walked out because we bad)
4. Watched No Reservations
5. Sat in a VERY OVERSIZED armchair...I will post pictures don't worry!
6. Toured the University of Oregon (Go Ducks????)
7. Tried to get over my sickness by sleeping while my friend worked
8. Wandered downtown
9. Spent many hours painting pottery (not one of my gifts)
10. Ate the best nachos and guac ever (all made by me of course)
11. Drank a really gross beer (or only half of it because it was that gross)
12. Watched 10 Things I Hate About You
13. Spent hours at Denny's
14. Watched Survior (unfortunately)
15. Laughed ALOT!!!
So Oregon...I like it! I think I could live here actually...it's quaint and charming and not Southern California!